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SkinTyte in Annapolis, MD

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Non-Surgical Skin Tightening in Annapolis

Skip surgery and still get firmer, tighter skin with SkinTyte treatments.

SkinTyte is a non-surgical application that uses light energy to heat your inner dermal layers of skin to promote collagen growth that results in firmer, more youthful-looking skin. When you want the very best in total body rejuvenation and skin tightening, discover SkinTyte treatments in Annapolis or Easton offices at O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics. The talented team of aesthetic specialists at O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics will work with you during your consultation to create a customized plan to help you achieve tighter and firmer skin without surgery.

What is SkinTyte?

SkinTyte is a non-surgical, non-invasive skin treatment that uses BroadBand Light energy (BBL) to target loose and sagging skin with penetrating heat to stimulate deep dermal layers of skin to produce more collagen.

SkinTyte gives you a firmer and more svelte overall appearance.

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Am I a Good Candidate for SkinTyte?

SkinTyte treatments are FDA safe for all shades and tones of skin.

Your aesthetic specialist can use SkinTyte on all areas of your body you feel could benefit from being a little tighter. Many Annapolis SkinTyte patients choose the following areas to treat:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Stomach

When you desire firmer skin without having to undergo surgery, SkinTyte is a popular treatment for cosmetic treatment beginners. Your Annapolis aesthetic specialists will determine the best areas to target on your body to begin your SkinTyte treatments during your consultation. Your aesthetic specialist may recommend getting three to six treatments to optimize your results.

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SkinTyte Procedure

The SkinTyte approach uses rapid pulses of light energy to penetrate through the deep dermal layers of your skin. As your skin heats up, the light energy sends a signal to your body to begin to produce more collagen. The collagen fibers start to contract, giving you firmer and tighter skin. SkinTyte treatments take about 30 minutes, but the amount of time for your session depends on the number of areas needing treatment.

Schedule Your SkinTyte Consultation with O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics

Tighten and firm those troubled areas on your body without undergoing surgery.

Learn more about SkinTyte treatments and how they can make a difference for you. Schedule a SkinTyte consultation with one of our aesthetic specialists in the offices of Annapolis or Easton at O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics today.

SkinTyte Recovery

SkinTyte is non-invasive and does not require any numbing creams or anesthesia, which means you can return to your daily activities the same day. You are also able to apply makeup and sunscreen after your SkinTyte session.

SkinTyte Results

It may take up to four months for the collagen to entirely rebuild the treated areas to see your desired result. However, once you complete your SkinTyte treatments, your results may last up to two years.

SkinTyte Frequently Asked Questions

SkinTyte treatments do not require anesthesia or numbing creams, which means you will have no downtime and may resume your regular activities right away. Many patients claim it feels like a deep massage.

The cost for Skintyte treatments varies for each patient based on the number of areas needing treatment. During your consultation, your aesthetic specialist will create a customized treatment plan for you. O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics offers financing and payment options through CareCredit for your convenience.

There are always some risks with any cosmetic procedure, but complications are rare. Some risks include redness at the application sites, but the redness typically diminishes after your session.

The number of SkinTyte treatments needed varies with each patient and their body's response to producing collagen. Your aesthetic specialist will assess your needs and determine the number of sessions you may need to meet your beauty goals. Many patients see optimal results after three to six treatments.

SkinTyte is a cosmetic skin treatment, and insurance does not typically cover cosmetic skin treatments. O'Donnell Medical Aesthetics offers affordable payment options for your convenience.

Book Your Consultation At O'Donnell Vein & Laser

Varicose veins and spider veins can cramp more than just your style. If you suffer from pain, muscle fatigue, aches, or a general lack of energy, the problem might be vascular. Schedule a consultation today to learn how O'Donnell Vein & Laser and O’Donnell Medical Aesthetics can help you regain your freedom and improve how you feel and look.

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