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How Long Do Laser Skin Resurfacing Results Last?

laser skin resurfacing

Years of sun exposure, repetitive muscle contractions, and a natural loss of elasticity can leave you unsatisfied with how your skin currently looks. If you are tired of age spots, acne scars, fine wrinkles, or uneven textures, you may wonder if there’s a way to make your skin look better. There are numerous ways to make your complexion shine again, which is why O’Donnell Vein & Laser in Annapolis, MD offers a variety of laser skin resurfacing services!

Many patients prefer laser-based cosmetic treatments because they are powerful, work quickly, and are performed right in the office. They provide you with dramatic, long-lasting results, which means that you won’t have to break the bank paying for multiple treatments to feel beautiful. There are also a few kinds of laser skin treatments available that target different blemishes and areas of your body, so finding the one that makes the most sense for your skin is easy.

How Long Do Laser Skin Resurfacing Results Last?

The answer depends on a few factors, and some people who undergo laser skin resurfacing treatments can notice results immediately. Depending on which type of laser treatment you choose, you can see a difference within weeks. Even if you don’t see immediate improvement, your initial results will continue to improve throughout the year.

On average, most patients get to enjoy silky-smooth skin that lasts for anywhere between three and five years after undergoing laser therapy. Many patients maintain treatments by returning every so often for a touch-up or supplementary skin treatment.

Extending Your Results

It is possible to extend your results to beyond five years by mindfully caring for your skin and body. There are a few simple ways to ensure that you can enjoy great skin for as long as possible. The most important step you can take following each treatment is to protect yourself from sun exposure. Doing so may extend your results for up to an additional two years.

You don’t have to avoid the sun altogether, but by making sure that you wear a high SPF sunscreen even on cloudy days, you can protect your skin from further damage. If you are exposed to UV rays for a couple of hours, you can also wear hats or utilize umbrellas to keep your skin safe. Staying hydrated, using a moisturizer, exfoliating, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet can also contribute to longer-lasting results.

How Does Laser Resurfacing Work?

Laser resurfacing treatments use beams of light energy to target specific areas of your skin. Light wavelengths work to minimize blemishes like scars and age spots by removing or penetrating the top layer of skin.

As a result, your body can improve collagen and elastin production, and your unsightly imperfections will begin to fade. Skin that was once dull and sagging will improve in quality, texture, and firmness. Two different types of lasers can assist with laser skin resurfacing, each with a few key differences.

Ablative vs. Non-Ablative Lasers

Ablative lasers remove parts of your epidermis and stimulate new collagen growth by heating the skin underneath. As the outer layer of your skin heals, it becomes smoother and tighter. Non-ablative lasers help improve the tone and texture by using intense pulsed light to stimulate the growth of new skin. Many patients prefer treatments that use non-ablative lasers because it eliminates the need to remove the skin.

Ablative laser treatments can achieve dramatic results, and most patients are satisfied after a single treatment. Ablative treatments work fast but have traditionally come with a long recovery time. Non-ablative lasers are less invasive and require less downtime, but are also less effective, which means you might need to undergo multiple treatments to achieve your desired results.

Types of Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments

O’Donnell Vein & Laser offers six types of laser therapies that can help you clear up dull and damaged skin. Regardless of whether these treatments are ablative or non-ablative, each one delivers fast results, and you can avoid having to take time off of work for recovery.

BroadBand Light Treatments

If your goal is to enjoy refreshed and rejuvenated skin, BroadBrand Light (BBL) is a gentle, non-invasive laser therapy that may be a good option. This powerful, invigorating treatment stimulates cell turnover within your skin to reduce imperfections such as acne, freckles, redness, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

A single BBL treatment may last for a few months, and most patients achieve their desired results after at least three. BBL treatment results are long-lasting as long as you return multiple times a year for touch-ups.

Halo Treatments

Halo treatments work well for treating pigmentation and skin texture issues, allowing your skin to glow youthfully. This process uses a Hybrid Fractional Laser, which combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to treat your skin. Halo treatments are useful in treating enlarged pores, scarring, sun-damaged skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmented lesions.

Halo treatments provide you with fast results that require little recovery time. Many patients begin to see results after just one or two sessions, which can last you for months. Halo treatments are commonly applied to your face, but you can also have it done on your chest, arms, and neck.

MicoLaser Peel Treatments

If your body has started to slow down with collagen production, you can undergo a MicoLaser Peel treatment to reduce the appearance of acne scars, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and wrinkles. This dynamic treatment uses laser energy that penetrates your dermis and stimulates the growth of new cells so your body can produce higher levels of collagen.

Each session can take between 15 to 30 minutes, and many patients experience improvements within three to four days. To enjoy long-lasting beauty, you can undergo multiple treatments every six to eight weeks.

ProFractional Treatments

If you are worried about damaging the healthy skin around any damaged skin, a ProFractional treatment may be right for you. This type of ablative laser therapy targets skin laxity and photodamage on precise areas of your skin without affecting healthy skin.

After receiving a ProFractional treatment, you can expect to start seeing results within four to six months. Many patients are happy after just one treatment, which generally takes a half-hour or less. We can help you create a personalized plan to continue skin maintenance using this therapy if you are satisfied with the results and would like to enjoy them in the long-term.

Excel V+ Treatments

Excel V+ treatments use non-ablative lasers capable of emitting multiple wavelengths of light to treat a range of skin issues. A few of the conditions you can address with Excel V+ include redness, stains, acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, age spots, bruising, hyperpigmentation, and small red veins.
A single Excel V+ treatment takes just 10 to 15 minutes to perform, usually over three appointments that are spaced a month apart. Results typically last for one to three years and can be occasionally touched up for a long-lasting effect.

Laser Genesis Treatments

Since your body reduces collagen production as early as the time you reach your mid-twenties, Laser Genesis treatments are a popular, non-ablative option among those who desire a youthful complexion. This treatment targets your dermis and heats it so that it continues to produce more collagen over time so that you can enjoy an even tone and smoother texture. Similar to Excel V+, Laser Genesis can treat redness, fine lines, scars, and poor skin.

Most patients require four to eight treatments spaced one month apart before they see optimal results. You can enjoy long-lasting results by returning every three to four months for touch-up maintenance.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation FAQ

What Is the Best Laser for Skin Resurfacing?

There is not necessarily one best laser for skin resurfacing. Since our office provides several different laser therapies, we will help you determine the most appropriate one based on your medical history and your current skin condition. Factors that will go into this determination include your skin type and the areas in need of treatment.

How Long Does Each Appointment Take?

An average appointment will last for approximately one hour. While the laser treatment process only takes about 20 to 45 minutes (depending on the size of your treatment area), you should also factor in time for checking in, reviewing the process with your doctor, and icing the treated area before you leave. Full-face treatment may last up to two hours.

Are Results Permanent?

Laser skin treatments do not create permanent results, but a single treatment can last you almost half a decade with good skincare habits. You can continue to receive laser skin treatments as many times as you need to see the results you want.

How Often Should You Get Laser Skin Resurfacing Done?

How many sessions you’ll need depends mostly on your skin condition and what you’re hoping to achieve. Since it can take up to a month for your skin to heal, patients who require multiple sessions typically limit their treatments to once every four weeks. If you have taken good care of your skin for most of your life, you may only need a single treatment to remove all blemishes.

Can I Combine Laser Skin Treatments With Other Cosmetic Treatments?

Yes! Depending on your individual cosmetic goals, there are a few treatments that you can use in conjunction with laser rejuvenation. For example, you can combine laser therapy with dermal filler treatments such as Botox to further address any volume loss in your facial area.

You may also apply a topical retinoid to your skin to help preserve the results from laser therapy. During your initial consultation, we will help you design a skincare plan that safely matches your needs and desires.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Laser skin treatments are an outpatient process that is done right in our office. One of our certified specialists will use a local anesthetic to numb the targeted skin before performing the treatment. If you have your entire face done, you may opt for general anesthesia to ease your anxiety or sensitivity concerns.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

Following laser treatment, you will have to clean the treated area five times a day before applying an ointment to prevent scabbing.

Start Exploring Treatment Options Today

Laser skin resurfacing maryland treatments are quick, fast-acting, and a popular way of maintaining beautiful skin for years to come. Since different laser therapies are used to treat various skin conditions, you’ll have no problem finding one that fits your profile and treats only impacted skin. With little to no downtime and fast healing processes, you’ll be feeling ten years younger in no time.

If you are ready to find a laser skin rejuvenation treatment that works best for you, call O’Donnell Vein & Laser in Annapolis, MD, to schedule a consultation today. Our dedicated team eagerly awaits the chance to help you achieve results that make you feel beautiful.

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